501 W. Mustang., Caldwell TX 77836


Mrs. Fraustro (or “Mrs. Frosty” as many of the lower grade students call me) am a lifelong resident of Caldwell. I even attended FBS in the 90s for two years and enjoyed that time immensely. I went on to graduate from Blinn College with an AA, Sam Houston State University with a BA in English, and Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky with a Masters in Christian Leadership. I have worked in Early Childhood Education for over 10 years, and helped Mrs. Nancy Giles at FBS in Kindergarten as her aide for the 2011-12 school year. I am thrilled to be back at FBS teaching music, drama, and 5th & 6th Bible. Fun fact:  I had Mrs. RayAnn Alford for music when I attended FBS, and am completely mindblown to have been given the opportunity to fill her shoes in music this year.  I am excited to get to know each student and help them learn and grow, especially in their relationship with Christ or understanding of Him.

If you were wondering, yes, I am married to the new P.E. coach, Nik Fraustro. The two of us have been married almost 3 years. We met at a church right here in Caldwell, and our story is truly a testament of how powerful and amazing God is, and how He is a God of REDEMPTION. (Ask me anytime and I’d be happy to share!) Nik and I graduated seminary together and have helped pastor and lead churches from Kentucky to Caldwell.  I was a worship leader for over 3 years combined at Area 3:16 and ONE Church Caldwell. I also assisted in worship at our church in Kentucky: The Church at Athens. I gave my debut sermon in August of 2021 entitled “God is Enough” and feel very humbled and blessed the Lord put a message on my heart to share with others. I said I was waiting for the next message from the Lord, and when that time comes I’ll be obedient to that call, but until then, I am going to focus on musical worship and praise.

Outside of church and school, I really enjoy going to the movies (it is Nik and my FAVORITE thing to do together!). If we can, we’ll go weekly! I also love the theatre. I will act when given the chance and love to attend productions (I came from a theatre family). I also enjoy sports, but am more of a spectator these days. I do enjoy playing basketball (I keep a ball in my car always), and will play softball, volleyball, and kickball if the occasion arises. Nik recently helped me find my love for disc golf as well.  I collect vintage and classic toys, as well as new ones if they are unique or just “too cool” to pass up. Nik and I do not have any children yet, but are praying fervently that the Lord blesses us soon with our “Samuel”.

I am  excited for this school year and cannot wait to get to know each student and family more throughout the year!