501 W. Mustang., Caldwell TX 77836


This is my first year at FBS and I am truly humbled by the opportunity to join such a dedicated group of Christian educators. The joy of their committment is contagious! My background primarily consists of caretaking. While raising my family and assisting with the care of my grandmother, I had a brief carreer in construction accounting. Eight years in, I decided to return home and focus on my children. All three of them were involved in sports, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and YoungLife. My greatest accomplishment is the fact that each of my children has a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They are adults now, and l am proud of how they witness through their daily lives.

There is nothing more beautiful than watching a child develop a personal relationship with Jesus. It brings me joy to see my students each day, and know that I am part of that. My goal is to be just a small building block of the lifetime of my students. I strive to lift them up and get them ready for their next adventure in learning and growing, when they leave my classroom at the end of the year. Thank you for letting me do that.

Do all things through Him, with a grateful heart.