Thank you for your interest in making a donation to First Baptist School. Gifts and donations from you make a difference! FBS’s independence from local, state and federal governments provides unparalleled opportunities to develop challenging, innovative, and creative educational programs. That independence, however, makes FBS completely dependent on tuition income and other revenue sources (annual giving, major fundraisers, endowment earnings) to support the faculty and the broad range of programs we offer. We appreciate all levels of support and contributions to the school. Thank you for your prayers and for investing in our students, our teachers, and our community.
Ways of Giving:
- Annual gifts are normally given to the Warrior Fund in the fall in the form of a one time payment or several payments throughout the school year. Warrior fund donations go toward the general needs of the school.
- Endowments are a way to make a permanent gift to First Baptist School.
- Restricted gifts are earmarked for specific purposes from the operating account. Contributions can be made to tuition assistance, program support. Faculty support, and facility support.
- Tuition assistance gifts may be given to provide assistance for tuition assistance.
- Gifts of Remembrance are a unique way to support a loved one, teacher, mentor, or child on a special occasion. Honorariums or memorial gifts may be designated to benefit a special program.