501 W. Mustang., Caldwell TX 77836


I was blessed to begin my education at a parochial school in Temple. After the eighth grade, I went to Junior High and Temple High School. I attended Temple Junior College and then the University of Texas at Austin where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and achieved my teaching certificate. I came home and taught three and a half years at St. Mary’s School in Temple. It was then I met my husband, moved to Caldwell and together we raised five beautiful children. When our youngest started kindergarten, I went back to work. That year, I subbed three maternity leaves at Caldwell ISD. In October of 1998, I began working at First Baptist School as third grade homeroom teacher and teaching math for 3rd -5th.

I have enjoyed all my years at FBS where I have been third grade homeroom teacher for all but one year when I had sixth grade homeroom. I have taught Math 3rd-8th, History 3rd-8th, Art 3rd-8th, Language, Reading and Spelling 5th – 8th, Penmanship, and Bible. It is such a joy to be able to go to Chapel everyday and praise our God. I enjoy sharing His great love with the students. This year I am embarking on a new journey as the Testing & Intervention Coordinator for FBS. I am looking forward to working with all the students in First through Eighth while helping them reach their full potential.

My husband and I will be celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary on September 18, 2022. Along with our five children, we now have four grandchildren with another due in October. It is such a blessing to be called MawMaw and PawPaw. FBS is a great place to work and a great place for children to get not only a great education, but to learn and know how great and loving God is!